100% Passed CCIE EI LAB
CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure V1.1
We provide CCIE LAB workbooks with full solutions and questionsYou can pass the first time. you must study all labs,you will get one in your real exam.
CCDE v3.0 practical Lab
CCDE Practical Exam
The CCDE Practical Exam v3.0 is an 8-hour scenario-based exam, that is built to be modular and provides you the flexibility to focus on your area of expertise, in addition to validating core enterprise architecture technologies. While additional areas of expertise might be added in the future, the options that are available today are (choose one):1. Large Scale Networks
The Large Scale Networks area of expertise focuses on the aspects of designing largescale networks, such as Service Provider networks or large enterprise networks and their associated technologies.2. On-Prem and Cloud Services
The On-Prem and Cloud Services area of expertise is centered around design and integration of business-critical services from a networking perspective. These services may be placed in an on-premise data center, in the cloud, or a hybrid thereof. A deep understanding of applications and their requirements, as well as related networking technologies is expected for this module.3. Workforce Mobility
The Workforce Mobility area of expertise is focused on the design of solutions that benefit users in their daily job and routines, allowing them to roam freely across campuses and buildings without losing access to the services they depend on. This requires a well-planned and well-designed wireless network to achieve.boxbox0 Technologies relevant to these are grouped together in area of expertise technology lists. Each area of expertise comes with its own corresponding technology list. For more information on what to expect on your CCDE Practical exam, please refer to: • Unified Exam Topics • Core Technology List • Your selected Area of Expertise Technology List Upon booking your CCDE Practical Exam you do not indicate your preferred area of expertise; this will be selected on the day of your CCDE Practical exam.
CCIE Collaboration v3.1 Lab
CCIE Data Center Lab v3.1 Workbook
CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure v1.1
- Module 1 – Design
- Module 2 – Deploy, Operate, Optimize.
- 365 Days free Update
- 7x24 Technical Support
- Eve-Ng UNL (Virtual Rack)
- 3Design + 2 Deploy workbooks
CCIE Security v6.1 Lab workbooks
CCIE Service Provider v5.1 Lab
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About US

ccielabPass.com launched in 2004. The best and perfect CCIE Solution provider in the world. ccielabpass.com is committed in delivering the excellent and perfect certs material to their customer. We believe in making you succeed in the exam in your very first attempt. We treat our customers on high priority. Our online chat service is available 24*7*365. Other than this we are available on e-mail, skype, teamviewer. We will help you to get your CCIE Number in your first attempt(requires 1-2 months of dedicate practice).
With more than 700 CCIEs and counting, we have already proven the best results. From our latest and updates Workbook and Online training you could pass in the first attempt. We have taken every step to make sure that you achieve the success you deserve while learning at a pace that’s comfortable for you.
ccielabPass.com is a Technical team that has 17-year experience in IT Certification exam training and reference materials involving study guides, questions, and answers or practice tests, tutorial videos, etc. ccielabPass.com has an excellent achievement for several years, and it has close cooperation with Tencent.com
We are specialized in Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCNP DevNet, CCDE, EI, CompTIA+, PMP, NPDP, ACP, Microsoft, Huawei, Redhat, Linux, Oracle, Aruba, F5, CWNA, and Palo Alto Certification practice exams.
We will update our practice tests in time after a thorough analysis of the latest real exams. We are proud to say our dumps cover all real answers and questions. We believe in quality instead of quantity! Any questions you have, contact: support@ccielabPass.com
What our customers say?
300-410 passed
Thank CCIELABPASS. Yesterday, I took the 300-410 exam and all the questions were from CCIELABPASS.COM.
Passed 350-401 today
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3/5/2024 Taichung, Taiwan CCNA 200-301 PASS! 1.AAA Authentication & Authorization (Q590) 2.AAA Authentication & Authorization & Authentication 3.IPv6 addressis 4.IP
03/05/2024 Taiwan CCNP 300-710 PASS
03/05/2024 Taiwan CCNP 300-710 PASS.No new questions,attach files is 300-710 vce files,free download (300-710_20240428)
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Congratulations,Passed CCIE EI LAB Exam In April
Congratulations, today we received notifications from several customers that they passed the CCIE EI lab exam this month