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Pass the new CCIE lab exam with the help of ccielabpass, the leading online certification training agency since 2003. We offer 100% verified and real CCIE Lab exam workbooks and solutions, 100% real CCIE Lab exam environment, complete rack service, technical support from professional tutors, 2100+ CCIE pass results.
Over 18 years, we are always committed to giving reliable study materials to all of our candidates. Most of candidates speak highly of our products and customer service.
Our customer service can arrange group tutorials with ccielabpass’s IT experts to help you ace the new CCIE lab exam on your first try. What’s more, they are 7/24 online to solve all your problems. You can get instant help whenever you get difficulties.
The CCIE lab exam is an 8-hour practical test given to candidates for the CCIE certification. Those who will take the test will have to plan, design, operate, deploy, and maximize dual stack solutions and complex network enterprise. CCIE Lab exam covers. The test costs $1600. If you fail and retake, the same amount will be charged
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) CCIE lab exam proves your expertise in the internetwork. The certificate is an expert certification that will make you stand out among other IT professionals. As certified experts, CCIEs are among the most recognized and respected Cisco badge holders. Once you have passed the CCIE certification exam, you will receive a certification kit that contains a Congratulatory letter from Chuck Robbins, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems; Certificate of achievement; Personalized CCIE/CCDE plaque; CCIE badge pull; CCIE sticker set; and Certification resource document.
As a certified CCIE, you can request technical support on behalf of your company as long as it has an official contract for Cisco support. The service will be routed automatically to the top technical support engineer. The company only needs the Cisco User ID to get immediate help.
Other benefits include career growth opportunities, the best compensation packages, personalization of Cisco products that you purchase, and gaining the CCIE emeritus status after working as CCIE for 10 years.